Daniel Lagache and Michael Balint insist on this notion of interaction with peers about distinguishing the concept of communication . For Freud, object relations part of the evolution of the instinctual life . We speak of such " oral object relationship " , the object (the breast ) is then a means of obtaining satisfaction in connection with the stages of libidinal development . It is then relatively interchangeable . It may also have a specific meaning in the subject's life , such as mother or mother substitute . For Melanie Klein , there is a real active interaction between subject and object , projected or introjected , may become persecutor or reassuring . What is noteworthy is that psychoanalysis gives way to understanding the object on a fantasy level . In a second step that the fantasy can come to change the apprehension of reality and the actions that accompany it .
If the relationship "to " the subject implies that the subject is already constituted and predates his relationship with the subject , it is underpinned by the object relationship. In this sense the "sex toys " inanimate object outside the body , becomes a sort of partner wish to use , available at any time , the only requirement is power from the batteries . That little face with the requirements of a human relationship !
I confess, I started a little "hard "! So back to this object if present in the sexuality of today and come through the consultation of sexology throughout the questioning of couples on sex toys.